Friday, March 26, 2010

Eat Your Greens!

I recently joined a CSA near my house, Silverlake Farms. Tonight I picked up my share and I have to admit, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the bounty. This week's share includes, greens, greens, and more greens. Some familiar and some totally unfamiliar, but I am up for the cooking challenge! Are you? So here's what was included in this week's share: mustard greens, swiss chard, golden and red beets, dill, parsley, butter lettuce, baby romaine lettuce, butter lettuce, arugula, green garlic, chrysthanthemum greens, young celery, and dandelion greens.

Tomorrow I'm planning on making a big beautiful salad for the Ripple Effect gang, with all the salad greens. I'm hoping that by taking part in the CSA, I'm not only supporting community agriculture, but I'm also eating more veggies. Made an impromptu curry with the dandelion greens and green garlic. I also made some brown rice for a satisfying meal this evening. Coconut milk and red curry paste are the base of this curry and it honestly couldn't be any easier than this.


  1. Yum! I love impromptu, curry and dandelion. So, putting them together sounds fantastic! You are on your way to being a greens expert.

  2. Thanks Jess! I was surprised that the curry worked with the greens, guess I was inspired by Jet the other night too. I still have mustard greens to eat and the beets. Pulled a recipe from How to Cook Everything for the beets, but I've never made mustard greens before...

  3. Oh and the salad I made the other night was a hit - baby romaine, arugula, butter lettuce, avaocado, mandarin oranges, almonds and I made a parsley viniagrette!

  4. That salad sounds delicious! I always prefer when others make salads for me, so much better than making it myself!
