Saturday, August 22, 2009

Brownies, Baby!

When I get the urge to bake, I have to B-A-K-E! One of the pros of staying with my dad is being able to bake in his 1950's O'Keefe & Merritt gas stove. It has always baked like a dream and now the dream has come full circle. Earlier this week, I decided to bake brownies and I turned to the Downtown Bakery Brownies recipe from David Lebovitz's, The Great Book of Chocolate. David has been a rock solid powerhouse when it comes to all things dessert. And this recipe does not disappoint. Rich and chocolately. Nutty and warm, topped off with a simple chocolate ganache which takes them to a whole other level. This great cookbook has other delicious recipes and useful information for those with a baking flair.


  1. Hey Sunshine! I need to bake brownies for church next Sunday. Will you share your recipe? Of course, I will have to use my electric oven!! Hugs!

  2. The ganache was the the icing on the brownie. Yummy.

  3. too delish for words.........
