Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tres Hermanos (Three Brothers)

I don't know if the owners are actually three brothers, but I do know one thing - Tres Hermanos is by far one of the best Mexican food joints in the S.F. valley. Highly regarded by all of my family members, this was one stop I had to make. One of Fort Wayne's greatest culinary disappointments is the lack of REAL Mexican food. I think what holds back authentic Mexican food in this area is the people who live here, and it's a shame because y'all are missing out! I've included pics of the two items Paul and I shared at Tres Hermanos, while we were in California - carnitas tacos and the pepita grilled shrimp salad. Is your mouth watering yet? One thing I can say for Fort Wayneians is that there is ONE place I know of that sells good tacos, real tacos, and that's at George's International Market on Broadway and Taylor. So step to it, people and go eat some tacos!

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